• ORF Landesstudio (map)
  • 1 Rundfunkplatz
  • Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, 6850
  • Austria

At the ORF Contemporary Music Festival 2018 Ektoras Tartanis will present together with the Symphony orchestra of Vorarlberg three contemporary works by Marko Nikodijevic, Gerda Poppa and Nikolaus Brass. The concert will also be recorded and played on the radio.



Nikodijevic: “Nestajanje” - Aria concertante for clarinet, chamber orchestra and electronics

Poppa: “Wartezeitenmusik” - for chamber orchestra and narrator

Brass: “Von wachsender Gegenwart” - for 18 string instruments


Musical director: Ektoras Tartanis

Orchestra: Symphony Orchestra of Vorarlberg